The Bridge Central London Skills Partnership is a collaboration of 16 further education providers working together to deliver the 2023-25 Central London Local Skills Improvement Fund (LSIF) programme, led by New City College (NCC). The partnership is committed to addressing the London Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) priorities, particularly by enhancing the provision of Digital and Green skills throughout London. We aim to reduce identified skills deficits, develop students, trainees, and employees, and foster inclusivity. This includes raising awareness within the wider community and encouraging learners to return to education and skills training.
Employers are central to this process. We strive to meet their skills needs by involving them in the co-design, development, and delivery of relevant and up-to-date courses. Concurrently, we focus on upskilling our teaching staff to provide the resources and experiences necessary to prepare and equip our learners for successful employment.

Green Future
All future skilled jobs will require a degree of ‘green skills’, ranging from climate awareness and sustainability to cutting-edge technical skills to manage the earth’s depleting resources. Jobs in these sectors are forecasted to grow to 500,000 by 2030.
Education provision in relevant subjects and courses must meet the projected expansion in green priority sectors in the coming decade. Crucial to this expansion is the support of retraining and upskilling the existing labour market.
Digital Challenge
Employer demand for digital skills in the London workforce is increasing rapidly, whether at entry level, a basic job-specific level or a more advanced level.
A recent survey by the Learning and Work Institute found over half (56%) of respondents felt that their business would need more advanced digital skills over the next two to five years while a third (33%) felt that more basic digital skills would be required.
Upskilling and attracting learners to this sector is a challenge, particularly amongst under-represented groups trapped in low-paid work, including women, those with a disability and ethnic minorities.

LSIF Projects
This LSIF project is a Department for Education (DfE) initiative created to support a local response to the skills priorities highlighted in the LSIP. We focused on Digital and Green skills, with our partnership of education providers successfully bidding for £6.73million (November ‘23 - March ‘25) to:
- create new facilities
- acquire up-to-date equipment
- develop and deliver new courses, and
- upskill teaching staff
By the end of the first year of this two-year LSIF programme, the Bridge Partnership managed to create:
- 51 new L3-L5 digital skills courses
- 28 new L3-L4 green skills courses
...attracting over 1,100 new learners.
To get a flavour of what our Bridge partners are doing to meet our local skills priorities, watch this video.