LSIF Projects

ADA National College for Digital Skills

Ada has always wanted to improve our AV equipment so that we can improve the quality of our asynchronous delivery. Historically, we have always prioritised face to face learning for are higher-level digital learners, and during COVID we developed our synchronous capabilities. However, due to the capital expense we have not been able to make the progress we wanted in asynchronous delivery. This has also had a knock-on effect on working effectively with external practitioners who are not always available at the times we are delivering the content.

We have used this funding to create an AV room which allows us to pre-record content for our learners with professional-level video and audio. We have also set up the ability to create sound recordings to deliver podcasts. The additional benefit is that when we have industry visitors on-site, they can also record footage that can later be used in our higher level digital courses.

To date we have bought all the equipment and fitted out the room. We have trained key members of staff who have shared their knowledge with colleagues and students. Some of the digital champions have also been experimenting with the equipment and sharing their experiences.

Trainers have been very good and have provided confidence to members of staff. The key risk is around take-up by members of staff, so we are supporting the most confident so that they can be champions and share their excellent results to stimulate uptake by others.

In Year 2, we can focus on deeply embedding great practice into all modules where appropriate. We also want to increase industry involvement to 100% of all modules – which the equipment will help facilitate. We also want more students using the facilities through a club.
